BrainBuilder™ eNews Edition 1
| Brainbuilder™, Global News, Parents resources

Edition 1 of BrainBuilder™ News was launched this term. This quarterly newsletter is designed to keep you informed about everything that is going on in the BrainBuilder™ world. This newsletter will be distributed once a term and will include latest news, training updates and competition dates.E
In this edition you will find out everything you need to know about BrainBuilder™ becoming a registered testing centre for the Australian Mathematics Trust (AMT) including 2016 competition dates:
- Australian Maths Competition – Thursday 28 July (Year 3 -12)
- Computational and Algorithmic Thinking Competition – Tuesday 22 March (Year 5-12)
- Maths Challenge for Young Australians Competition – March to June 2016 (Year 3-10)
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