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Singapore Maths curriculum a global success

| Brainbuilder™, Global News, Maths

Dr Fong , founder of BrainBuilder™ , has built programs based on the Singapore Maths curriculum;  the author of school maths books used in Singapore, the US and the UK.

Going Global

Research has showed the in-depth Singapore Maths curriculum has been successful in cultivating Mathematically thinking in students, resulting in the schools in the US adopting Dr Fong’s books since 2011 and the UK since 2015.

A study in the UK, by University College London and University of Cambridge, conducted a controlled study of Singapore Maths for one year effectively resulting in the improvement of students’ academic performance. The researchers even forecasted that students subjected to the Singapore Math intervention will have their earnings raised by up to £200 per year.  Read full study here: http://www.ieb.ub.edu/files/Jerrim.pdf

What makes this approach so successful?

A recent article in Asian Scientist (16 June 2016) examines why Singapore Maths has “gone beyond helping Singaporean students excel in the classroom to becoming a commercial product used widely around the world”.  Apparently it’s not just about ‘what’ but ‘how’:

    • Using techniques such as model drawing and Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract to help students understand abstract concepts in a practical way;
    • Mastery of concepts by concentrating on fewer topics in more detail;
    • A structure closely aligned with a student’s cognitive development to enhance learning;
    • Focusing on collaboration, critical and inventive thinking as part of a more holistic learning experience, and, most importantly;
    • Well trained teachers equipped with an intimate understanding of the math curriculum and pedagogy

Read the full article here: http://www.asianscientist.com/2016/06/academia/singapore-math-curriculum-global-success/

Access the Singapore Maths advantage at BrainBuilder™ Centres

Research indicated it is the strength of the Singapore Maths curriculum and the well trained teachers in Singapore for the best outcome in students.

At BrainBuilder™, all of the teachers are trained to the highest standard by Dr Fong and our programs, based on the Singapore Maths curriculum will give your child the opportunity to have the competitive advantage they need to succeed.

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