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About Dr Fong


Dr Fong Ho Kheong (Dr Fong) is a world-renowned Singapore Maths specialist, academic, author, educational consultant and founder of the  BrainBuilder™ Learning Centres.

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Dr Fong inspires others on empowering creative and critical thinking within children and their education.

Watch his keynote talk at Oxford Press University’s International Maths Forum conference from June 2016.

Qualifications & Career Highlights

  • Obtained his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from King’s College London specialising in mathematics education 
  • Taught at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore for 24 years
  • Founding President of Singapore’s Association of Mathematics Educators (AME) from 1994-1998
  • Chief Editor of The Mathematics Educator, a publication of the Association of Mathematics Educators, Singapore from 1998-2000
  • Served Emirates College for Advanced Education, Abu Dhabi & Bahrain Teachers College, Bahrain, as Head of Maths & Science Departments
  • Formerly a Senior Mathematics Specialist with the Regional Centre for Education in Science and Mathematics (RECSAM) in Penang, Malaysia.
  • Governor of an International school in Malaysia

BrainBuilder™ Learning Centres

As a leading global Maths specialist, Dr Fong pioneered using the Singapore Maths method to teach students at all levels to succeed at maths. This internationally successful method forms the basis for the BrainBuilder™ programs that are taught in over 20 Learning Centres operating in Australia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand; and coming soon in operation in Canada and the United States. Find out more about the BrainBuilder™ programs.


Dr Fong

Dr Fong has also published more than 100 journal articles, research reports, and primary maths books. This includes the popular series, My Pals Are Here Mathematics, which is used in 80% of primary schools in Singapore.

This series is also adapted in the US to their curriculum as “Maths in Focus” and in the UK as “Inspire Maths”. This series has also been translated in many languages including Spanish, Dutch, Arabic and Bahasa Indonesia. 

Visit the bookshop to find out more.  



Dr Fong serves as an education consultant to clients worldwide. To find out more about his work or to discuss your needs further, contact him via email, LinkedIn or our contact us.