Raising the Bar! Dr Fong – First Key Note Speaker at the International Maths Forum 13th June 2016, Oxford University, UK.
| Global News, Maths
“Empowering creative and critical thinking”- the audience resonating with Dr Fong, mathematical problem solving promotes creative and critical thinking. Inspring discussions from Dr Fong “We can challenge children to think critically at a younger age, but we as teachers need
researchED Maths and Science Conference An inspirational one-day conference focused on Maths and Sciences educational research.
| Global News, Maths
What do we know about the Singapore approach to teaching maths? Today Dr Fong is speaking about this at researchED Maths and Science, the first collaboration between Oxford University Press and researchED research forum in Oxford. In particular, his learnings
Dr Fong Keynote Speaker at International Maths Forum
| Global News, Maths
World-renowned Singapore Maths academic and found of BrainBuilder™ Learning Centres, Dr Fong, will be a keynote speaker at the upcoming Inspire Maths International Forum being held from 13 -14 June in Oxford, UK. The focus of the forum is Raising the bar!
BrainBuilder™ eNews Edition 1
| Brainbuilder™, Global News, Parents resources
Edition 1 of BrainBuilder™ News was launched this term. This quarterly newsletter is designed to keep you informed about everything that is going on in the BrainBuilder™ world. This newsletter will be distributed once a term and will include latest news, training
BrainBuilder students excel in 2015 ICAS Exams
| Global News, Maths, Test
Congratulations to all of our higher achievers who sat the 2015 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) Exam in Sydney. Over 90% students who went through our intensive training program achieved a credit or higher, with 50% scoring either a Distinction (top 10%)
Singapore maths methods are being adopted worldwide
| Global News, Maths
Education officials and publishers worldwide have been paying attention to the Singapore approach to teaching maths because Singapore students have scored tops in maths and problem-solving international tests. Counties such as France, Chile, America, India, are using maths books based on
Why Brainbuilder?
| Brainbuilder™, Global News, Maths, Parents resources, Test
Out with the old, in with the new For many children, Mathematics isn’t the easiest of subjects to grasp let alone master. It doesn’t help either when conventional methods merely dole out the “rote learning and regurgitation” solution, which won’t