How to pack a holiday with enrichment learning and fun for your child?
| Brainbuilder™, Local News, Local News Australia, Maths, Parents resources
With consistent great responses from students and parents at all our previous school holiday programs, we have something new instore again this school holidays!
School holidays is the perfect time for students to enjoy learning new concepts.
Our BrainBuilder™ holiday program will be packed with maths, science and a session of activities engaging creative, critical thinking skills. Most importantly, our maths program uses Singapore Maths methods, targetting learning outcomes relating to NAPLAN and ICAS.
We asked our students at the end of the day at the conclusion of the holiday program:
What will you tell someone who is interested to attend a BrainBuilder™ Holiday Program?
Here are some of their honest responses:
“It is fun and very educational”,
“You will learn a lot”,
“It is a fun class to improve your brain and makes you smart”,
“I want to come back every school holiday”,
“Go there NOW!!!”.
So, what’s in store this April holidays?
- Targetting NAPLAN, ICAS learning objectives & Maths Olympiad for Years 3-6.
- Extension Enrichment program for high school students (Year 7-9) who are excited to advance in their maths journey to become experts in solving Algebra, Geometry, Spacial problems.
- And .. Our new Science program will keep your child eager to learn more!